Thursday, December 31, 2020

Difference between Teamcenter 2-Tier and 4-Tier Architecture.

 2 - Tier Architecture

Client Tier : Client tier contains Rich client, Teamcenter  Servers, CAD Applications like NX and TC Visualizations that integrate with Rich client.

Resource Tier : Resource tier comprises of Database and Volume. It stores metadata and files managed by Teamcenter.

  •  Metadeta stores in Database.
  •  Files stores in Volume

4 - Tier Architecture

Client Tier : Client tier contains Rich client, Thin client ,Teamcenter  Servers, CAD Applications like NX, MS Office and TC Visualizations that integrate with both Rich client and Thin client.

Web Tier :

  •  Web tier manages the Teamcenter Client installation.
  • It runs the web applications like JBOSS, Tomcat, WebLogic etc.
  • This tier is responsible for communication between Client tier and Enterprise tier. It transfer the client request to Enterprise tier.

Enterprise Tier

  • Enterprise tier consists of server pool manager. A pool of server process, managed by the server manager/pool manager.
  • It retrieves the data from database and store the data in database.

Resource Tier

  • Resource tier comprises of Database and Volume. It stores metadata and files managed by Teamcenter.
  •  Metadeta stores in Database.
  •  Files stores in Volume

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

What is the difference between Rich Client and Thin Client in Teamcenter ?

  1. Rich Client : Rich client is a Java based Application, used to interact with Teamcenter interface.
  2. Thin client : Thin client is Browser based interface, it provide access to Teamcenter data over the web using web browser.